Friday, October 27, 2017

I Always Knew...

You'd look weird with a beard...

Boy, am I in a mood today. I blame the beotch pictured above. My handlers are evil but at least they changed their minds about some things. So, Pam, Oxana, I won't pray that anyone puts a pregnant tarantula down your shirt or drops a screeching camel spider on top of you while you sleep if you'll promise to take this nasty whore out. I'm not saying kill her. Just get some more people to come out about George's booty groping and let the shit hit the fan. Maybe W. can finally come out of the closet, too.

I think that might make me feel better because I'm at a loss right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed at both of you, but what does the fox with Stockholm Syndrome say? Vague hope is all I have on days like this. I do everything I can think of to move forward but it seems like these types of bad days, bad dreams, bad everything is operating subconsciously and I'm too tired to fix it. Did you factor in that I might actually die? Because I did. Up to a point. Now you've exceeded it. 

Maybe after I express myself I'll wake up tomorrow and it will be another one of those days were I think about how I'm feeling right now and say "Why am I so silly?" Life is great! Life will be even greater eventually! I think that could be true. I think maybe I'm just being punched with a bad combo today and need to remember that these feelings always pass. 

But let me just take a moment to say how disappointed I am in all of you. I realize that I was always the normal, rational adult in my situation, despite being a child, while you all were running around like headless chickens trying not to get caught at being bastards. 

If that makes you mad why don't you ask yourself why you felt the need to put this hell onto someone who had zero to do with your life?

I try not to think about your psychology but then feel forced to in order to save my own life. How do I beat the devil? How do I break free from sociopaths having unlimited access to whisper dark shit into my mind? If I could just shut you the fuck up....

And it's not like I don't know that this blog post was expected and some of the things I'm saying are exactly what you expected me to say, so is it even me? Being an elephant in a conversation that repeats itself is very difficult. I don't need to spell out the Mangiacavallo curse to you because we both know it's too kind under the circumstances. 

I will never praise your 'god'.  Eat shit or die trying, you fucking scags.

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