Friday, July 28, 2017

How Prescription and Street Drugs Are Used in Programming

I'm going to do an interview soon on this topic and thought I'd collect some thoughts here first. I've made the font larger on this page so I hope it helps those who, like me, are getting a bit blind as we age, lol.

In general, I tend to put my drug experiences into categories. In other words, the handlers don't always use the same substances the same way. It really depends on the goal.

If the goal is for you not to remember where they took you, you probably will be given a sedative. If the goal is to confuse your memory, you will get a mix of uppers and downers so that you are both awake and impressionable at the same time. This also ties into base programming.

When it comes to the pornography and trafficking, their main goal is to suppress both memories and pain. More often than not, they will rely on the types of hypnotic sedatives you get at the dentist to do this, depending on who you are being trafficked to. If it is someone very paranoid, they might totally knock you out with something like Rohipnol or overdose you via insulin coma.

I was frequently sent into insulin coma once I reached a point where the usual drugs were no longer working. Looking back, even the other drugs didn't always work as intended. I'm one of those who remembers too much of the before, during and after. This may have been by design. I definitely have memories of my mother talking to me about a different drug the group wanted to try because of my tendency to remember the "before" part of abuse. Names, locations, conversations, etc..

But she was helping me simply by telling me that. I remember telling her one time "If this one takes 20 minutes to kick in instead of 15, then you're telling me I need to try as hard as possible to stay awake and record the additional 5 minutes."   She said "No, that's going to anger them."  I said "OK" and then proceeded to do exactly what I was told not to anyways.

When it comes to pure programming it seemed to me that they relied more on the types of drugs you could get through prescription even if they weren't on the market yet. When I was only about 7 years old I remember being given a combination of Seroquel and Adderal.  The Seroquel creates the hypnotic state and the amphetamine insures that you are still awake. 

They like this combo when you are doing grunt work for them and they want to layer in programming related to alien-human hybrid themes.To illustrate this, let me go into more detail about the memory because there is also a psychotronic weapon aspect to it

Around the age of 7 I was told that someone from the cult was working on a new type of floating point memory algorithm for the next generation of computer RAM. He was having trouble with the math related to the floating point number he had come up with, which was a long decimal number...something like 1.293848593e (I'm just making that up, I don't recall the actual number).

He needed to keep the number in bounds between positive and negative 3 in the program he was using, which was some type of software similar to Mathematica running on a Sinclair research computer or TRS 80 (this would've been about 1981).

So, I was dosed with the two drugs and then sat down in front of the computer while a desk fan blew air in my face. Their idea was that the drugged state along with the "wind" (note: Moriah's conquering wind is always available for about $20 usd at Wal Mart, lol).and the psychotronic aspects would cause me to believe I was in a UFO and not my bedroom.

I remember being quite groggy as the guy who wanted  the help was allowed to use the 'weapon' and tell me the floating point number. I'm certain it was him delivering the information despite the group having my mother tell me that it was my alien father "in heaven" talking to me directly through my DNA. 

I took the information and did what I thought I needed to do with the computer program. I answered the question the only way I could as a child. When he came in to see the results he glared at me while my mother asked if there was any way we could ever receive any credit or royalties just to help us in our own situation. Of course, the answer was no. Always has been (my mother and brother developed the first Photoshop plug-ins.)

But if you'd talked to me 3 days later it's quite possible some other aspect of the program was going on. It could've been a tranquilizer delivered odorlessly and tastelessly through my tea or soda. It took a while to realize that that's how they were dosing me for the trafficking. I started to pick up on that by around age 12, despite having known this since about 4. One of my uncle's had encouraged me to "drink your milk with the sleep aid" during one of my earliest trafficking memories - New Year's Eve of 1978 or so. 

It took a while for me to recall that as an older child and see that the info had always been there. I think that is what started another round of them struggling to figure out how to wipe my memory completely. It's that or my handlers were working counter to their own purposes just as they'd promised.