Friday, December 8, 2017

Side Effects and Dangers of Blogging

Ah, programs and memory fragmentation! I knew I'd been told not to write that post about artificial intelligence, but didn't remember the 'punishment' until it actually started happening last night. Some combination of physical factors that my handlers created before the fact finally came together to cause what Bush described as the "jerking" sensation. He said I was a jerk to write about AI, much less mention him, so he was getting me to get jerked awake all night and have a series of weird, stressful dreams about something he called "Cyber Brigade vs. Super Soldiers". 

I'm not sure if the problems I experienced last night were from allergies, a sinus infection or something else. I have had the jerking sensation before. Usually I'm not fully asleep when it happens. Anyways, it's never been quite as bad as it was last night. I woke up around 1:00 a.m. and could already tell my body didn't want to go back to sleep. There was no comfortable position to lay in. Every little thing seemed to hurt or fall asleep. I felt a weird pressure behind my eyes at times. My mind raced with images and words, ghost pictures of things I don't if I've ever seen before. Every time I relaxed at all my body suddenly switched to panic mode. This went for 3 or 4 hours before I finally fell asleep and started having very detailed and frustrating dreams. 

Here's where it gets weirder today: I've also had just one part of a song repeating in my head over and over and it's driving me crazy. This morning I had a flashback to 5th grade. My handler worked at my school as the computer science teacher for a few years and did some of her programming in the classroom. I suddenly remembered her talking about this artist, whose name I won't mention. She said I would have trouble getting this person's voice out of my head. She described how she was deleting various programming loops and that this 'earworm' type repetitive torture was her way of keeping me deaf to most of the programming being done in her classroom.

I guess right now I'm just amazed that I remember this at all because it was just one day back in 1985. But my brain has been doing this every morning for a while now. The most random seeming fragments from almost any time I focus on are willing to present themselves. The human mind is indeed a mystery!

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