Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What Topics Do You Want to See Covered Here?

I feel like I've started this blog in a vacuum and only scratched the surface of what I could say. But I don't want this to turn into a public diary. Although I can only report from personal experience, I think it would help a lot more people if those who read this blog can propose topics for future posts and/or ask questions.

So, if you have experience in this area or are just curious about it, please feel free to leave a comment or contact the author at mkultrafacts@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. What you have been doing so far is brilliant, when it comes to making videos rather than just make them for the sake of it i don't bother unless i feel inspired to do so, writing is similar, sometimes you will feel moved to write about the past, sometimes the present, and maybe sometimes about future hopes and dreams etc. There will always be a diary like feel to sharing when we write about our life's, its the nature of the quest we have undertaken, don't let the lack of feedback put you off as this blog is brilliant and even if you find its not being as well read as you hoped it would, it is still being appreciated by those who do read it. When you touch one person by your writing and they share it to their friends, and their friends are touched and reshare, thats the start of it reaching a bigger audience. The downside with deprogramming is most people are doing so in their closets and therefore not in a position to openly share or comment like i am doing... it can feel disheartening to place so much life into writing with little or no feedback, however i hope you can push through this as i really feel this blog is brilliant and can benefit all whom read, i fail to see how it could not, for you write so beautifully, in a style easy to absorb and understand. Sharing is not an easy thing to do, and can come in bursts bunched together and then quiet spells inbetween. Go with your natural flow and see how things feel, when i share i usually cut and paste some or all of the post as people are more likely to read if they see what they like with the link, and not just a link to click on. Your doing a great service to all survivors here, :) .
