Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mind Control Fact and Fiction - What This Blog is About

  Welcome! This site represents my attempt to collect my thoughts on the experience of going through a government sponsored mind control program. My hope is that I will be able to publish a book on the topic in the near future.  That said, let's get into it asap. I know if you are anything like me you want to dispense with the self-aggrandizement and get to the facts...

You have probably visited quite a few websites on this topic and gotten varying impressions on what these programs are about. I feel you. A lot of the information online is only partially accurate. A lot of survivors tell their stories and much of what they say sounds incredible. I would like to state that much of what they say is accurate; but the analysis performed by what I assume are people who did not go through the program is usually not very accurate.

What I mean by that is that non-cult/CIA affiliated researchers seem to rely heavily on the work of people like Fritz Springmeier, who exposed some facets of the program but did not adequately place the control mechanisms into an easy framework of psychological and neurological precepts to which both the average person and the skilled M.D. or Ph.D could relate.

Does the program use words, colors, sounds, symbols and other things as triggers? Yes. Are these things inherently magic in and of themselves? No. To believe otherwise is to buy in to the magic component of programming. Whether you are a survivor or a curious researcher, feel free to love all colors of the spectrum, enjoy your favorite artists and play with the standard deck of cards. You are not going to be driven to madness by symbolism unless you want to be. I know that sounds harsh. I have experienced a lot of moments where the symbolism is all too real and calls up trauma memories...but the programming doesn't rest on the objects or images. It rests in your emotions. When you see the deception, do you want to lash out blindly? Do you want revenge? It's natural to feel anger but only fools rush in to vengeance.  You have to take a deep breath and wait and tell yourself that this type of bullying (and it really IS bullying at the highest level) will one day have its come uppance.

Let me give a more personal example...one of my handlers sometimes wore a black robe with red and yellow epaulets meant to mimic the red winged black bird. I can clearly recall feeling terrified of her when she did this. If you pay attention to ptsd triggers, you understand why it might feel strange to sit at a lake full of red winged black birds, although they are separate entities.  In theory, I could feel anger and despair at the chain of association she tried to create....I could look at the red winged black bird and tell myself I will never see this bird, I will only be reminded of my handler wearing a robe similar in color to those creatures and the trauma that followed.

But to feel that way is to let them win. If you live in the present then you know that you are experiencing real love, god's love, being mindful of nature. Further, you don't fixate on the trigger..you also hear and see the waves of water from the lake, the cry of other birds, the sun in the sky.

I think this example can be extended to other areas of programming as well. Many people like to fixate on Hollywood and the music industry. It's true that programming goes on there. Many artists and actors are victims of the programming, but that doesn't mean that their original messages are part of some conspiracy....only if the bad guys can get you to interpret them in a negative way. I'm thinking here of Whitney Houston.  Whitney Houston went through a deterioration program that ultimately ended in her death. Does that mean you should not love the energy and vibrant spirit she projected in songs such as "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" or "Greatest Love of All" ?

No, those musical achievements represent the spirit of her true self. Only a programmer would look at her videos for those songs and point out more triggers. Normal people and survivors who are choosing to live a normal life will interpret the images as they were intended.....color, light, love, fun.

To be clear, you aren't under their spell until you are looking for their messages. As a survivor I know enough to where I could program you right now. I'd have more control if I knew your whole life story but I could do it just by knowing what marketing demographic you fit in to.

That's the big picture view, but it does get a bit more diabolical. It does get more specific and harder to fight. I'll cover that in the next post.

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