Monday, August 6, 2018

Crazy People

I haven't blogged in a while because I haven't had anything to say. This is mostly me shouting into an empty room since only a few people I know actually read these posts. The rest of the visits appear to come from bots. 

In terms of sharing insights and recovery resources, the online community is woefully inadequate in certain areas.  Most of my journey involves talking to other survivors. The results are great when talking actually works. I've got a couple of people I can talk to now who I trust and I'm thankful for that. 

What I want to caution others about, though, is the risk involved in talking to people you would politically disagree with in every day life. I made a strong effort initially to talk to people who are more devout and conservative than little old liberal me. I thought that our status as survivors meant we could reach across the aisle, leave politics at the door, etc. 

Turns out? Not so much.

I've never met a more fragmented, paranoid and self-serving group of people than exists on the conservative talking points side of whatever this movement is they think they're in. Everything is all about them and they are never "wrong" about anything in their view. They don't listen. They don't think critically. They frequently accuse others of doing what they are doing. 

They also tend to drag people's names through the mud publicly with no basis in facts. The one person I'm thinking of seems to have stopped after I threatened to sue. I hated having to do that but it was getting ridiculous. I kept checking their posts to make sure my name was out of their mouth and was surprised to see their true colors all of a sudden showing with racist, misogynistic posts. Typical Trumpanzee, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. 

As for the rest, I think they'd have a meltdown at an American Sign Language conference. You know, so many hand gestures you don't know the meaning of and "OMG, deaf people are now in the Illuminati", LMAO. 


1 comment:

  1. I too have been surprised and saddened by the attitude towards others and vicious false attacks I have received from conservative survivors and a particular deliverance minister's new wife.

    And I also cannot help but wonder if this particular deliverance minister is behind these attacks and lies...but I do not know for sure at this time.

    The really unfortunate thing is that he is someone I trusted, worked with for about 9 months, and donated to significantly for my income...and even recommended to others.

    His new wife has accused me of being a witch several times, even using my full name. She also accused me of sending photos of her from her Facebook to bother listeners of his show...which I did not do...someone had sent them to me confused about how he could be with someone posting such photos.

    The survivor that he is now working with abruptly broke off contact with me, but used deception to do so by having someone else contact me about it...saying through her that she was sorry.

    But later when someone sent me screenshots if what HB had posted on her Facebook, I realized that was all a lie.

    She accused me and a couple other survivors of being CIA agents sent to implant in her false memories!!!
    Then she proceeded to write many more lies and false...even psychotic allegations that I have been astralling into her bedroom.

    Unfortunately she also accused me again very recently.

    I had only stayed in FB to offer her support in her recovery.

    I am a believer but I guess I don't quite fit in all their boxes...maybe that terrified them all and The only way they had to deal with this about me was through these attacks.

    All I know is I follow the way Jesus lived to the best if my ability, and he would nevervtreat people the way these people are doing...which really makes ME doubt THEIR supposed faith.

    And like Anonymous Dude said, they do to others that dont totally agree with them the very evils they denounce...called projection in most circles.

    So yes...tread with caution if you communicate with or even try to support these people.

    It can be hazardous to both your physical and emotional health.
