It occurred to me as she spoke of this (and as I was looking at the art work that was used as an icon throughout the video) that this is all mafia at all levels. The difference is that the ground level guys are more like what you see in a movie like The Godfather whereas the more esoteric higher ups are the ones using art and culture and religious symbolism.
If I think of it this way then I tend to characterize the Illuminati as a very old school mafia while the cosa nostra represents the new school. The cosa nostra gets in and out on a job and doesn't care about collateral damage or who takes the fall. The Illuminati seem more like people concerned about chipping a nail and so they hold a ritual first.
Based on my childhood experiences, however, it was frequently the case that the lower level guys were the ones who professed to be practicing satanism - not out of belief but out of convenience. They knew the rituals and masks provided cover and memory confusion.
Meanwhile, the people I thought of as higher ups were the ones presenting themselves as devout Christians while twisting Christianity in a satanic way by claiming that I was the one God needed to punish and that he had chosen violent pedophiles to do it.
So, while the damage was real and very much structured the way others report in their own cases, I've always held to the notion that the end times aspect of this is some crap straight out of the mind of a science fiction writer. The "end of the world" and my "role in it" was always used against me as justification for what they were doing to me.
This is something I wish Svali had spoken about in a bit more detail. I also wish she'd shared a bit more detail about the 6 Councils and how that ties to people such as myself who end up getting used as cash cows on top of everything else that's going on.
The group made a lot off of me. I worked with them in art, science and defense/aerospace. Now that I know these councils exist and how they are structured, I think it would be a good guess that one or both of my handlers was at least a regional chair. It would explain how they had the ability to bring in people from NASA, IBM, Northrup Grumman and the military, as well as countless producers and future superstars in the entertainment industry.
When such people showed up at my house there was always going to be some trauma/cover and a programming aspect, but never the ritual aspect. Those two things seemed intentionally split and that worked in my favor in terms of dismissing the ritual part more easily, not letting it hold power over my imagination.
That was a mistake on their part. Bad for them, but very good for me. It gave me a more global way to compartmentalize and bring the weird experiences closer to the ground.
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